LE2Y, High Performance Rod for Manifold Controller
Show DescriptionLE2Y is a rod actuator with a high performance motor and batteryless absolute encoder that is compatible with the JXD1-M manifold controller. Up to 16 axes can be connected. LE2Y differs from LEY by having a different cable connector and no compatibility with JXC controllers. LE2Y also offers a high speed ballscrew lead on sizes 25 and 32. LE2Y16 improves work load ratings and pushing force versus LEY16G. Each LE2Y size also consumes less power while delivering equivalent or improved performance. The JXD1-M manifold controller can detect the actuator type, size and stroke when connected. The controller and cables are ordered separately, simplifying the part number.
- Body sizes: 16, 25, 32
- Maximum work load: 100 kg (horizontal); 46 kg (vertical)
- Maximum speed: 900 mm/s (24mm lead, size 32)
- Maximum acceleration: 10,000 mm/s²
- Stroke range: 30 to 500mm in 50mm increments
- Positioning repeatability: ±0.02mm
- Motor type: 24 VDC step motor with absolute batteryless encoder
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